Benefits of Exercising 2 Times a Week

Benefits of Exercise twice a week: Today, an unhealthy lifestyle has left all of us vulnerable to various health issues such as diabetes, high blood-pressure, obesity, dementia, and stress-related disorders. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), insufficient physical training is one of the leading factors that contribute to high mortality rate globally. One must know the optimum training frequency in order to achieve effective results as overtraining too may lead to physical and psychological health issues.
As far as the global guidelines are concerned, a person who is indulged in 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous training each week, is likely to add another decade to his lifespan. Support your exercise program with fitness products online– Exercise bands, pushup stands, skipping ropes, waist twisters, and much more.

Things to Remember before doing Exercise

Exercise prevents Cardio-vascular diseases

Moreover, the results of a recent piece of research show that those people who trained at least twice a week were found to be more immune to heart diseases than the ones who did not break a sweat at all.
As recommended by numerous health studies, physical activity reduces the risk of development of cardiac ailments in people, regardless of their age, gender or disability. The heart condition can be enhanced by various aerobic exercises, such as running, cycling, and swimming. Such exercises require rhythmic movement of our muscles, which results in the regulated heart rate and increased endurance of cardiovascular system.

Exercise prevents Kidney failure
Biweekly workout routine can also help us prevent chronic kidney disease (CKD) or treat it, even if it has advanced to the point where hemodialysis is necessary. Breaking a sweat at least twice or thrice a week brings the sugar level down, improves blood circulation, and reduces cholesterol, each of these advantages translates to healthier kidneys.

Exercise Lowers down the Stress level

Whether a student studying for middle-term exams, an employee in the middle of a huge project or any other real-life stuff weighing people down, adapting to two-day per week program would lower down their stress levels.

Exercise improves muscle strength
Consuming a calorie-deficit diet on a regular basis and hitting the gym during the weekend alone will help you lose body weight. Ultimately, the output of workout depends on frequency, intensity, duration and diet intake. Likewise, the effectiveness of a bi-weekly training session on children was evaluated in which each of them performed three sets of five exercises. The results showed that participation in a short-term training session can lead to improved body composition and enhanced strength.

Until we meet again, don’t let even a single week go without the biweekly exercise program. Plus do not forget to checkout the health and fitness products on our display. If you don’t find the training equipment of your choice then contact our customer care service once and let them know! We are slowly bringing each and every exercise equipment to cater all sportsmen needs.